
Module 3 – Alcohol and Pregnancy

Module 3
Covers the issue of alcohol use during pregnancy, developmental issues caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol, and the lifelong impact the use of alcohol in pregnancy can cause.

Module Structure

Covers the issue of alcohol use during pregnancy, developmental issues caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol, and the lifelong impact the use of alcohol in pregnancy can cause.

Introduction, Why Do Women Drink?, Your Metabolism, What Constitutes “Risky” Drinking?, What About a “Binge” for a Woman?, Percent of Women 18-44 Reporting Binge Drinking, and What Are the Risks of Alcohol Use?

Birth Defects, Critical Periods of Development, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, How is FAS Diagnosed?, Alcohol in Pregnancy and Impact on Development, and Alcohol Exposure Across the Lifespan
